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About Great Harvest

Ever wonder what the secret is to making phenomelal bread?  It's in the wheat kernels.  We know where every kernels comes from.  That's because we have been purchasing out premium whole wheat from family-owned farms for more than 30 years. The farmers who produce our whole wheat know Great Harvest is a tough client.  Every year we test the crop for its protein content, moisture level, baking qualities, and of course, it dinstictive taste.  The high quality wheat we purchase allows us to bake without using artificial dough conditioners to boost loaf size.  Our growers know that the slightest variation in the wheat crop can completely change the flavor, size, and shape of a loaf.  Consistency is the key.  That's why we perform at least one hundred test bakes each year.
Great Harvest Bread Co had been baking Huntsville's finest breadss right here locally.  We start from scratch every morning with our five basic ingredients; flour, honey, yeast, water and salt.  We mill our whole wheat flour fresh, daily, using premium wheat from farms right in Montana.  Our mission?  To be loose and have fun, bake phenomenal bread, run fast to help customers, and to give generously to others.  What could we ask for?  Great Harvest has been baking bread the way it ought to be from the begining, and we still believe in our phenomenal bfread-making process.  We still believe in using pure, simple ingredients.  Baking from scratch  was the norm for our parents, grandparents, great-grandparents and so forth.  They were concerned about food tasting gread and nourishing their family's bodies.  So is Great Harvest.  As generations have passed on, our world has turned to cheaper, easier, less time-consuming methods of preparing food and has removed the handmade, healthy element of baking and cooking.  Not Great Harvest.  We don't rush it.  We still believe in our elaborately long, traditional methods of bread making because it naturally develops an equisite flavor and texture with time, instead of relying on the use of additives.  Over the years, we have been able to adapt to the wants and needs of our customers and can offer great-tasting products fit for many diets, but since the inception of our bread-making business, one thing is still for certain - Great Harvest bread is truly one-of-a-kind.  It's simple. Handmade. Wholesome. Tasty.  Bread.  The way it ought to be.

A Fresh Start

This Great Harvest Bread Co. in Huntsville is a dream come true — our dream! Our passion for great tasting, nutritious bread, and our desire to run a community-based business, led us to Great Harvest. They have been making great bread for communities across the U.S. for over 30 years.

Our Great Harvest looks like no other Great Harvest out there. We operate under a “Freedom Franchise.” The “Freedom” part means that we get to run our business in a way that meets our community’s unique needs. The “Franchise” part gives us access to the recipes and processes that Great Harvest has continuously improved for over three decades. The result is breads and sweets that will knock your socks off!

Several years ago we made the decision to pursue our dream. So, we said good-bye to Corporate America, kicked the suit and tie and are now up to our elbows in dough. We’re excited to bring this tradition to you, our neighbors and friends. 

Thanks for stopping by, we’re glad you came!

Great Harvest Bread of Huntsville